Friday 30 August 2019

New Creature

"2Co 5:17 KJV Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new."

That Word was the saving grace that cleaved to my heart and glued to my tongue when I finally committed my life to Jesus' able hands.

I'd heard about him before, I'd given my life to him several times, but I just kept going back to the old habits. I found myself going back to the wrong company, living like the one who had never known Christ at all! I had segregated myself unto the path of destruction. Even though I had become a princess to my God but was busy begging to be accepted by the world. My words wouldn't count, I had no positive impact on anyone, I had only lived to please people. My life was shattered. I had dated and double dated. It was that terrible. I just knew something was wrong deep down within.

Then I lost someone dear to me and was told by some spiritists that I was the next to die but God saved me by this Word, "If any man be in Christ , he's a new creature, old things have passed away, behold, all things have become NEW!!!!!!!".

"If any man be in Christ......", was the word that changed my life and my perception of self. It has changed me truly! It changed the choices that I began to make like, the kind of music I listen or dance to, the kind of people I allow to influence me. It changed my outlook and my demeanor. I've grown and I'm still growing.

This word could just be what you need right now, dear reader, if you have any issues staring at you in the eyes as a Christian, cry out  to God!!!,  Say it out loud to yourself, "I'm a new creature in Christ Jesus!!!!!" Believe it, don't doubt, say it consistently, meditate on it and reject every contrary thought with all boldness in Jesus name! But if you are yet to give your life to Jesus Christ, say the Word of prayer written below with all your heart. 

Don't stay bowed to that situation staring at you, look into it's eye and call God your God. God will order your steps into the right company and sort things out for your good. Nothing will hurt you, the Lord will bring rescuers your way in Jesus name. So, say 'Yes' to God willingly from your heart today! You have to be deliberate with Him.

If you have not made Jesus Christ your Lord and saviour, you cannot take advantage of what God has prepared for you. We urge you, don’t wait another moment. Make up your mind and say this prayer:
“Dear God, I ask you to forgive me all my sins and make me anew. I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised him up for my justification, I confess that He is Lord over my life, now and forever. I accept the ministry of the Holy Spirit into my life in Jesus name, Amen!” 

Congratulations! Now that you are born again, look for a Bible believing Church to attend that you might know what God has provided for you. (For more Christian articles, kindly visit, thank you)

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