Friday 16 August 2019

Steps Of Faith

And look, a woman who had an issue of blood for twelve years came behind him, and touched the fringe of his garment. Matthew 9:20

One thing that caught my attention about this woman is the audacity she had to go in the crowd towards Jesus. According to the custom of her day, she was regarded as unclean and should not mix in the crowd lest she makes others too unclean by touching her.

She had been in this condition for 12 years, yet she didn't change her mindset to accept this condition as her new way of life. She did all she could to get out of it, even when it cost her her material possessions. She saw Jesus and knew that if she could simply touch his garment, not him praying for her after a fast, she would be whole.

Although getting in the crowd was against the law, she nonetheless went in, knowing fully well it held the key to her healing. She knew how to receive her healing and what she needed to do to receive it. Touching Jesus garment would give her her healing, while getting close to Jesus was what she had to do.

Knowing that God can heal, deliver or set free from whatever bondage or situation as never been the hindrance for many, but taking a step in that direction. If this woman only knew about how she would get her healing from Jesus but did nothing about it, then we probably would have not heard of her story.

The singular most important reason we heard about this woman is because she chose to become the actor in her own story by going against the odds. How many times the Holy Spirit has prompted us to give our money for a project in church, devote more time for him in service, pray for a sick one or reach out to an unsaved fellow. Even when we know very well that those actions would open us up to receive more from the father, but we explain them away or find a thousand and one more reason not to do them.

Having a strong faith is important as well as taking steps in line with our faith. The only way someone will know you are in faith is not merely by you confessing it, but when they see you take bold steps that will bring those confessions to life. The only way to see what you believe in come to pass is to take those steps of faith.

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