Saturday 25 April 2020

Whether You Are Called Unto The Pulpit or Not

1Pe 2:9b KJV ..that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light.
When many believers hear the word 'Calling' or 'Called', the person that comes to mind is their Pastor. So, some of us tend to believe that only Pastors or Preachers are called. You will soon find out when next there is a program or service for ministers and you find people who have been serving in one capacity or the other draw back from such, believing they have to be holding the microphone at every service to be 'called'.

Interestingly, if all were shepherds, then who will be the sheep? We all can't be in the 5-fold ministry, but it doesn't disqualify us from being ministers. We may not have that physical angelic visitation heralding us at our new birth in Christ the way Jesus' birth was but we need to realize that we have been called of God. Our opening scripture that says that "God has called us out of darkness...",  is enough to tell us we are all called by God from the pulpit to the pews.

What many don't realise is that the calling of God is not limited to the pulpit. The pulpit is primarily a channel through which God touches the life of men, but not the only. When we come to know this, we begin to appreciate the work, however insignificant it might appear we do in God's house. This will also help a great deal in calming alot of ambitions to grab the microphone from the Pastor.

I didn't always see the work I did in Church as anything important until I left the Church for a while and my Pastor told me, since I left, no one had been recording his messages. Throughout the period I was there, nobody I can remember came asking for the recorded messages, but I continued. Although it looked like nothing to simply setup the laptop and connect cables, but it was a great help to the Pastor. Imagine the number of lives that will have access to those messages later on and be blessed by them, simply because I was doing something so insignificant.

The work you do for God might not put you in the limelight but nonetheless, it is adding value to people. Instead of looking for opportunities to be recognized for the work we do, we should rather be occupied with being a blessing to others. Being called of God is not for showmanship, neither should we neglect whatever present assignment or task we are carrying out in God's Kingdom. 

As humans we tend to see only the immediate results of our service, but in reality they are usually have far reaching effect that we don't know about. Therefore, whether you have a calling to the pulpit or not, you have no excuse not to be found serving and not see yourself as a minister because whether through preaching or through service, we are all ministering to one another in different capacities. 

If you have not given your life to Jesus, now is the opportunity to do so. Please, say, "Lord Jesus, I come to you today, I'm happy that you died for me to take all my sins away. I believe in you today. Please, be my guide. I receive your Holy Spirit as my seal forever, in Jesus name. Amen." Welcome to God's family! Please, write us at

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