Saturday 25 April 2020

The Grip Of Death is Over: Look Beyond

[Heb 2:14]KJV Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.

Jesus knew our fears that was why he partook of our nature, that is, flesh and blood. He came to give us everything we will need to overcome death. He is the reason for any believer's fearlessness. He became sin in our stead, so that we might be made the righteousness of God, 2Cor5:21. He has the keys of death and hell in his hands now. So, we need not to be afraid because the grip of death has fallen off. 
There are several stories of Victory over fear of death.
Let’s see the story of king Hezekiah in 2Kings 20:1-6. When king Hezekiah was sick unto death, he knew who he was in God and he pleaded with the Lord in prayer. God could see his upright heart. I could see some good measure of trust he had in God, here. So, God extended the number of his years by fifteen. Wow! King Hezekiah did not give up on his situation. He had the desire to spend some extra years, and God granted his request. This is God at work. 
There is a contemporary story of a woman who was diagnosed of cancer but she wouldn't take that which wasn't hers. She had heard all sort of news about cancer patients, but she took her ground in God's word. She grabbed every word of faith she could read and listen to. She surrounded herself with faith-filled people and she overcame every fear when she took the matter to God in prayer. This is key, surrounding ourselves with prayer partners and genuine people of faith who would stand with us in faith through the thick and thin of life. This will be helpful. They all believed the same thing, spoke the same words of faith and together genuinely lifted her up in prayer for healing and so it was. God answered their prayers, she came out of the trauma and she was healed. Hallelujah!

Another is the story of a woman who was tormented by fear of death because somethings happened unexpectedly to some people she knew and all of a sudden, she became afraid and torment began. She couldn't rest neither was she able to sleep for some time. But one day, in her quest for freedom, the Lord spoke to her – if you're going to die today, I'm the one who will take you, not the devil. And that settled it, the fear left. She's been walking in this consciousness since then.

So, what's the take home? 
The fear of the unknown can kill. Anxiety fuels the interest of the devil to come near you. You have an identity and it's in Christ. See, until you fulfil your God given destiny on earth, nothing is going to take hold of you, because your life is hid in Christ with God. Col 3:3.

So, be at peace! Be God conscious. Will troubles come? Yes! But be of good cheers, Jesus said, he has overcome the world for you. Jhn16:33.

You have to believe this:
Your heart (spirit) is of the Lord. 
Your soul is of the Lord.
Your body is of the Lord.

Know this too, the Lord has spoiled the enemy for you:
Col 2:15 KJV And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it. Hallelujah....

So, relax, make these words your life!

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