Friday 24 November 2017

Leadership In the Workplace

And masters, treat your servants considerably, be fair with them, and don’t forget for a minute that you too serve a master in heaven Colossians 4:1 Msg

From the Scripture above, Christian leaders are to be mindful that they also are subject to God who is the Master of us all. Our leadership attitude should be modeled after Christ. Apostle Paul who shows an exemplary leadership in the bible said emphatically that we should follow him as he follows Christ 1 Cor 11:1 In Col 3:22 the bible advice followers, to obey their masters in all things, not with eye service but with singleness of heart. But leaders are not to Lord over their followers, but lead with Meekness and Love.


To become a good leader, we must have a perfect understanding of leadership from biblical perspective. You call me your teacher and Lord, and you should, because that is who I am. And if your Lord and teacher has washed your feet, you should do the same for each other. John 13-13-14.  From the above scripture, Jesus demonstrated the perfect leadership, as he lead by example. In teaching His disciples to serve one another, Jesus himself started by serving them and showing them how to do what he teaches them to do. Whether in the church or at our place of work, we should lead by example rather than commanding without taking actions. Jesus Christ explains the perfect leader as a one that is willing to serve. As professionals, entrepreneurs and leaders in the workplace, there is a need to show Godly influence at our workplace but we cannot do this by acting as lords over our followers, our Godly principles should be lived out in our daily relations with our followers. Through this, we will effectively assert Godly influence.


All across the gospels, we see Jesus demonstrate leadership in love, meekness, service and direction. Jesus left the meeting place and went to Simon's home. When Jesus got there, he was told that Simon's mother-in-law was sick with a high fever. So, Jesus went over to her and ordered the fever to go away. Right then she was able to get up and serve them a meal.  Luke 4:38-39  CEV.

From this scripture, we see that Jesus cared about His Disciple and their family by visiting the house of Simon. As a leader in the workplace, you don’t necessarily have to visit your followers in their house but endeavor to be concerned about well-being of your followers. Being friendly and caring to your workers in your workplace is not a sign of weakness, it gives you the opportunity to be more connected with them. When you are connected with your workers in your business, work becomes more effective, as they see beyond the salary they are being given

He left the synagogue and went to Simon’s house, you don’t have to know all of the followers house but please be involved, give them all the support needed in times of trouble, let them know it’s not just about the work to be done but also about them.

As a Christian businessman or woman, we must have a just compensation schemes for our workers and must take the welfare of our workers seriously. This is one of the ways we can show the love of Christ to our employees. It is just as the Scriptures say, "Don't muzzle an ox when you are using it to grind grain." You also know the saying, "Workers are worth their pay." For the scripture saith, Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn. And, The labourer is worthy of his reward. 1Tim. 5:18 CEV It is clear from the scriptures, don’t under pay the people doing the work for you, don’t ever make use of their desperate situation to underpay them, running away or playing hide and seek when is time to pay salary is not a good kingdom virtue, it only makes your workers to lose confidence in your leadership

Many times in the Scripture, we are told to speak the right words, we are admonished to use our words to bless the hearer, it is as well very important in the workplace, use your words to build up your follower, calling them names in the name of you employed them will only make your work less effective, you will always have what you say. Be pleasant and hold their interest when you speak the message. Choose your words carefully and be ready to give answers to anyone who asks questions. Col 4:6 CEV

In conclusion, in leadership, being a Christian involves giving ourselves to his word to redefine our life, following biblical leadership principles and the examples of Christ is a sure way to succeed as a leader either in the church or at your work place. Above all, the consciousness that we all belong to our Father in heaven and submit to his Spirit, should bring out the best in us.

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