Monday 28 August 2017

Excellence Makes The Difference

                                             Picture source: Google images

Excellence is defined by the English Dictionary as the ‘quality of excelling; possessing good qualities in high degree’. While this definition seems afar off, a destination to be reached sometimes in the future if possible. A more practical definition is giving your best at all times and constantly seeking to be better. It is more about being better than you were yesterday while giving your absolute best today. An excellent person does not excuse mediocrity in self. Your presentation might not be the best among your peers, but it is the best you know how to do at the moment and you are on the look out to learn from those who had better presentations. Really then, Excellence is not a destination but a journey.

It is then surprising to see Christians, who are adept at the word and have the conviction that they have been accepted in the beloved and are saved by grace and not works, settle for mediocrity. Of course, nobody will concede to being a mediocre, we just don’t have the time or patience to put that extra in, we have several fellowship meetings to attend than to be bothered with such aesthetics. We are comfortable with the barest minimum since God looks at the heart and not the packaging. We even go ahead to confront anyone that points to the obvious deficiency that there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus. Come, let’s learn from a man whom God gave wisdom such that he became the wisest king of the ancient world.

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might.” Eccl 9:10 said King Solomon. This scripture entails both quantity and quality, it implies that you should do as many things as you can do, and also for everything you do, do with every ability you have. Half measures will not do. Hear the testimony of Solomon: “The queen of Sheba heard Solomon's wisdom and saw the palace he had built. She saw the food that was served at his table, the living quarters for his officials, the organization of his palace staff and the uniforms they wore, the servants who waited on him at feasts, and the sacrifices he offered in the Temple. It left her breathless and amazed. 1 Kings 10:4-5. The queen saw the excellence in Solomon’s palace and she practically fainted. God’s wisdom produced so much excellence in Solomon and Christ has been made unto us wisdom, hence we cannot do less. The world should see the quality of our work and should be amazed.

Giving your best at all times has much to do with paying attention to details. The difference between an excellent person and an average person is often not their knowledge level, in fact, it is possible for the average performer to know more than the excellent person; but how much attention is paid to details. God gave the details of the ark to Noah from the type of wood to use up to the dimensions of the window (Gen 6:14-16) and to Moses, He gave the precise dimensions of the curtains of the tabernacle (Exo 26). Details matter all the time. Pay attention to the little details and especially the finishing. If you have spent so much time getting a work done, it is only reasonable for you to ensure that all details pan out. It is laziness not to finish what you start (Prov 12:27).

Excellence demands continuous improvement. Imagine seeing a movie produced this year with the best camera of the ‘80s, you will surely be repelled by it, regardless of the cast and the storyline. Never get comfortable with your past works, with newer technology and increase in knowledge, it can surely be improved upon. I know of a woman in the ‘90s who complained bitterly that her company wanted to send her on a course to learn computing skills despite the fact that she was an excellent typist; alas, there are no jobs today for excellent typists (the typewriter is almost extinct). Make it an habit to constantly ask yourself how you can improve your work. Read books, search online or interact with those in your field who are better than you and relearn what you think you know. If the presentation you are making today is exactly the same as those of last month, then you have not improved. It is embarrassing when students are given the same lecture note 5 years running as though the world were static. It was said of Solomon that “he considered, sought out, and arranged many proverbs. And the Preacher sought to discover words of delight, and to write in uprightness words of truth” Eccl 12:9-10

 In conclusion and most importantly, more than the practice of excellence, you have the spirit of God who is the spirit of excellence resident in you, you only need to manifest it. The Holy Spirit gives you the edge. The testimony of Daniel was that Daniel was preferred above the presidents and officials, because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king thought to set him over the whole realmDan 6:3. If Daniel under the old covenant could exhibit so much excellence such that he served as top adviser to four kings, how much more should you under a far better covenant? Activate the spirit of excellence in you and make a difference in your world.

If you have not made Jesus Christ your Lord and saviour, then life here is anchorless and eternity is bleak. We urge you, don’t wait another moment. Make up your mind and say this prayer:

“Dear God, I ask you to forgive me all my sins and make me anew. I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised him up on the third day, I confess that He is Lord now and forever. I accept your son, Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour.”

Congratulations! Now that you are born again, look for a Bible believing church to attend that you might know what he has provided for you. 

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