Saturday 26 September 2020

Christian Family

Some people have stopped going regularly to our Christian meetings, but we must not stop going there. Then we can help each other to be strong Christians. You should do this more and more, because the *Lord’s great day is coming. You know that the *Lord will return soon. Heb 10:25 EasyEnglish

If this scripture was true in the days of the Apostles, then it is not less of a truth today. More than ever before, we need to pay attention to the coming of our Lord because we are closer to it than any generation before us. The coming of the Lord should drive us to more fellowship with one another. 

The value we placed on our Christian gatherings needs to be restored. From our opening scripture, we see how that even at the time of the Bible, there were already Christians taking spiritual meetings lightly and they were told to stop. You will be depriving yourself of help that you could have received or shared to others when you continue that way.

There is nobody who can successfully live the Christian life in isolation of other believers. We were fashioned by God to be together because that way, we can be strengthened by others who are stronger. It's the reason some Christians who relocate to another State or Country without finding a new local assembly will drift back to their former life.

Going to Church faithfully can literally make you stay from some sinful tendencies. Imagine what happened to a lot of Christians because of the lockdown. Many have become lukewarm and justifying staying away from physical meetings now that lockdown has been eased with the excuse of watching online. As much as technology is there to help us make living better and effective, online technologies cannot take the place of carrying your Bible and notepads and finding your way to Church. 

Truth is, the kind of people we associate with often influence our Christian walk. If you interact more with the world and less with fellow saints, they will rub their ways of living on you. It's the more reason why any Christian that knows that his/her work involves more association with unbelievers should pay special attention to the fellowship of the saints. It's no wonder why you see Christians who join politics loose themselves to the world. 

While we are in this world, scripture tells us, we are not of this world and our Christian gatherings have a way of making us live true to this. It's time to go back to Church and return to your Christian service if you have drawn back.

If you have not given your life to Jesus, now is the time to do so. Please say this prayer: Lord Jesus, I believe in you, I believe you died for my sin and you took it away. I believe that God raised you from the dead for me on the third day and I am free now. Thank you Lord because I am a child of God and the Spirit of God lives in me. Amen!


Congratulations because you have Jesus in your life. You will need to start attending a Bible believing Church for growth. For more directions, please, contact us via the mail address below:


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