Thursday 27 August 2020

Esther, The Woman On Assignment

Est 4:16 Go, gather together all the Jews that are present in Shushan, and fast ye for me, and neither eat nor drink three days, night or day: I also and my maidens will fast likewise; and so will I go in unto the king, which is not according to the law: and if I perish, I perish."

The book of Esther is the only book in scriptures that has no mention of God, even though in our Bible text above, Esther and her people were going to pray and fast, but no mention of whom in particular they were praying to. However, it's not unclear to us who they were praying to. The same God who delivered them from other nations could deliver them from that particular challenge.

The matter that is of interest to me is the role Esther played in the deliverance of her people which I believe would be of great lesson to us especially when we are privileged to occupy positions of authority in our different spheres of endeavor. She thought it wise enough to lead her people in prayers to God so deliverance would come from Him for them. You probably might not see the point I am making until you bring it home.

Have you seen or heard of someone who was a 'nobody', someone nobody paid attention to except maybe their immediate family but by divine providence, then occupied a position or wields certain amount of societal influence? That was Esther for you. In fact, her biological parents were no more and she was living with her uncle when the opportunity to become queen came to her.

She probably didn't grow up like other girls of her age. She was living with her uncle and might not be privileged to enjoy all the pleasures of life like having your own parents. But her uncle gave her a good upbringing. Esther became a queen, and did something differently.

It is easy to dissociate yourself from the same people that you have lived most of your life with in the past. We see this play out every time in our society. People who rise to leadership positions by divine mercy forget about the same people and place where they come from. Some even begin to inflict pains and sufferings on their people. 

Esther didn't follow this common path, instead she was ready to pray and fast with them and even speak with the king for her people. 

No matter where you find yourself, don't forget where you came from or the people you have been with. If it's in your power, pray for them, stand up for them, speak for them and God will grant you victory. 

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