Tuesday 19 November 2019

Word Culture

Rom 4:18, KJV Who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations; according to that which was spoken, So shall thy seed be.

Many times as believers, we see a disconnect between what the word of God says about us and how our lives are playing out. We stumble and or listen to messages that teach us who we are in Christ and what we can do now as believers, however, the reality is not seen in our own everyday living. 

Some have come to the conclusion that the Bible is no longer applicable to us and our time, so they don't take it seriously anymore. They seemed to have high hopes in the scriptures until they begin to notice how their expectations from the same scriptures have not seen the light of day.

Maybe they shouldn't take it seriously as they did. And they begin to see preachers and those who take the word of God seriously as fake since they can't see any difference in their own lives.
However there is an incontrovertible truth that is not based on the experience of any singular person, it is that the word of God is true. Our individual experience can't overrule this truth. The word of God is true, no matter the generation or time it is preached. The word of God is living and powerful. It will always produce.

And this is where many miss it. They read the Bible consistently for the space of 7 days and expect so much to have changed about them within that period of time. Patience with the word is one virtue you and I must cultivate. It's not that the word of God cannot change us, but how long have we've exposed ourselves to the word, some habits will take longer time in the word to be stopped. 

For some people it was after a 5-hour word teaching that certain negative desires were dropped off. Imagine if such fellow didn't go to that length of word baptism, will they get this result? Don't see devotion to the word as a 100meter race but as a marathon. Expose yourself to the word via different means consistently. You will see the word of God work in your own life too.

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