Friday 14 July 2017


Being a Christian is living like Christ and integrity is a key attribute. If you don’t believe your words then no one else will. To become a person of integrity starts with aligning yourself with the manual for living. A constant study of the word of God will reveal your true self to you and it will relieve you of your need to please men. You learn to say what you know you can do and if you are not sure, state it from the outset. Adding ‘probably’, ‘if possible’ etc to statements when you are not sure will help your listener to know you are not being definitive. But when pressed to give a categorical statement, always mentally factor in unforeseen circumstances. If you are sure that a particular work can be done in three weeks, then ask for a month; the extra week will help cover for events beyond your control while you continue to work within the three weeks deadline.

Thus, there is need to be familiar with details, time being the most crucial. How long does it take for you to get dressed in the morning? how long does it take to do your makeup? how long is the drive from point A to point B? what is the traffic pattern? etc  Most of the answers to the questions above and to several others are personal and it is for you to find them out with time. That it takes longer for you to get something done than others do not make you a good or bad person, it only means you have to start earlier or work on reducing the time.

Also, “In the multitude of words there wanteth not sin: but he that refraineth his lips is wise.”1 Silence is perhaps the best tool for building integrity. Keeping quiet when you don’t have anything to say seem a logical action but we ever so often flout this. You just want to impress them with your knowledge and abilities, they need to know that you are brilliant and result-oriented. On the contrary, he that refrains his lips is wise for he is careful to only speak when necessary and to purpose. Empty barrels they say make the loudest noise, there is a reason why God gave you two ears and a mouth, it is so that you listen twice as much as you speak. King Solomon aptly makes a case for silence when he said “he who has knowledge spares his words, and a man of understanding has a cool spirit. Even a fool when he holds his peace is considered wise; when he closes his lips he is esteemed a man of understanding.”2

So what happens if you suddenly realize that you have made a promise you cannot keep or you went into an agreement that was unfavourable to you. As soon as possible ask for a renegotiation of terms and be willing to bear the cost. Renegotiation could be as simple as putting a call through to reschedule an appointment by 30mins or as in the case of the Gibeonites, converting them to bondmen who hewed stones and drew water for the house of the Lord.3 In every business agreement or partnership you enter into, ensure that there is a ‘renegotiation clause’ as well as an ‘exit clause’.

Inevitably, you will break your word at one point or the other. Despite your best efforts, you will be unable to make an appointment or deliver a job. Regardless of the circumstance, your priority is to take responsibility for the failure and apologize. Hoping that the other party will not remember the exact wordings of the agreement is being deceitful. Be willing to pay the penalty for the breech in agreement if verbal apology will not do. Standing up and taking responsibility from the outset shows you more as a person of integrity than ignoring it or covering it with smiles.

In conclusion, Integrity matters because God is the judge of all and at the end, we will give account of our words and actions.4 King Saul, the first king of Israel wanted to undo the error of Joshua and decided to wipe out the Gibeonites, God personally took issues with him and he eventually paid for the error in judgment with seven of his sons.5 And yes, lack of integrity was the issue with Ananias and Sapphira, they thought to deceive the apostles and paid with their lives.6 But you are not of them that draw back unto perdition, you are strengthened and energized by the Holy Spirit approving things that are excellent, sincere and without offence. You say the truth at all times and you represent Christ first class.

If you have not made Jesus Christ your Lord and saviour, then life here is anchorless and eternity is bleak. We urge you, don’t wait another moment. Make up your mind and say this prayer:

“Dear God, I ask you to forgive me all my sins and make me anew. I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised him up on the third day, I confess that He is Lord now and forever. I accept your son, Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour.”

Congratulations! Now that you are born again, look for a Bible believing church to attend that you might know what he has provided for you. 

1.       Proverbs 10:19

2.       Proverbs 17:27-28

3.       Joshua 9: 22-23

4.       2 Timothy 4:1

5.       2 Samuel 21: 1-9

6.       Acts 5: 1-10

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