Thursday, 27 February 2020

Following Divine Timing

There's an opportune time to do things, a right time for everything on the earth
Ecclesiastes 3:1 (MSG)

That verse up there can't be more simpler than it already is. There is a time for everything. As much as it might appear like everything is within your reach, you simply can't achieve everything now. God follows an order of sequence in the way He does things and it is visible in the system's operating in the world.

See, it doesn't matter how much you pray and fast, it can't reduce  pregnancy period for human to five months or a new born to grow to the size of an adult overnight. If you plant a seed today, it doesn't grow to a tree by the next morning. We are all aware of this natural processes in life, but when it comes to our visions in life, we want to hit the sky in one night.

The many failures and rejection we encounter on our journey in life often come with their own benefits although we might feel bad during those times. Interestingly, the same things we have always done with nothing special added, will now produce much more results and impact. It's the reason you can't afford to stop doing whatever God has clearly instructed you do.

The natural systems in the world reveals how the things of God operates too. Any call, vision, mission, idea or purpose that originates from God, will also follow its natural cause. That you were caught up to the third heaven and God showed you millions of souls that will be affected by your ministry doesn't mean the hall for your next event will be packed full.

The extent to which we can carry on with the vision against all odds tells how much faith we have in it. Every vision will be tested because it has its own peculiar timing. That you and a friend both ventured into God's plan at the same period doesn't dictate the glorification of yours. The test period will always come before the glorification.  Don't carry the mindset that  because it's of God then it should happen immediately.

If God that has all power could take his time to bring about the universe in 6 days before resting on the seventh, He is not about to rush you into purpose. Every little step you make out of faith today, is pivotal to how well the vision you saw will be accomplished. Hold on. The vision will come to pass.

Friday, 14 February 2020

Divine Purpose

One of the reasons many of us don't get to see the results of our faith is because we always have things figured out on our own. We believe so much in setting goals, that God is not left out in our plans. We give him a timeline to act else we use our method. If He doesn't show up at the exact time, we need Him, then He can as well not bother showing up. King Saul has a story to tell when he couldn't wait for Samuel God's prophet and lost the throne for his lineage.

As much as we humans have plans, what do we think of God? He is such a master planner that He planned the life of Prophet Jeremiah before his birth. Can you imagine what plans He has for you? Have you given It a thought that there is a master plan for my life that I might not be aware of? It simply means if God has a plan for you before your existence, you will be wise to find out what plans He already has for you before you start running on yours and assume you are in line with Him.

Whenever a believer is yet to find out his purpose, the work of the devil is to intentionally not allow him/her to see it. He knows if you find out your purpose and follow it, it will negatively affect his kingdom because you will be working for God's. So, you must be aggressive and intentional about it too.

One of the lies the devil has always sold out to many is that since the Bible says His thoughts towards me are thoughts of peace, not evil and an expected end, then it will always "appear good". As much as His plans are good, it doesn't always appear so to us. It could be to start a project when you don't have it all going well for you financially at that time. When you obey, you will surely what it means to walk by faith and not by sight. Even when He leads you to do something bigger, you'll remember His faithfulness and be ready to walk with Him.

That goodness you now enjoy because you chose to trust His leading won't be there for you if you did otherwise. Always know it's not so much as to how big the vision is, but in the person, who sent you. If God has called you, sent you, led you, inspired you to take a step to start something, follow Him with all your heart and He will always come through for you.